There’s Nothing Dry About Dry Cleaning

There’s Nothing Dry About Dry Cleaning

You take certain clothing items to a professional cleaner because—well, usually it’s because there’s a label on them that says, “DRY CLEAN ONLY.” But in many cases, it’s also because we’ve made an investment in these items of clothing and we know that professional...
Tips on Keeping Your Business Clothes Clean(er)

Tips on Keeping Your Business Clothes Clean(er)

Do you have a job that requires you to wear a suit or other kinds of higher quality clothes? You probably send them off to be professionally dry cleaned on a regular basis. Suits, pleated skirts, or any type of clothing made from synthetic materials like rayon, as...
Ever Wonder How Your Dry Cleaner Removes Stains From Your Clothing?

Ever Wonder How Your Dry Cleaner Removes Stains From Your Clothing?

The legendary Sherlock Holmes was fond of telling his assistant, Watson, that there’s more than meets the eye. He would have told you the same about a visit to your neighborhood dry cleaner. Here’s a common scenario. You drop off your items to be cleaned, making sure...

The Dirt On Drycleaning

Have you ever been told that too much cleaning can reduce the life of your clothes? Claims have been made stating that agitation, heat and chemicals can have a negative effect on the life expectancy of clothes. The truth is cleaning can help prolong the life of your...